OpenTCG Blog
Monday, September 12, 2005
This class represents a group of related cards that can be sent/processed as one piece of well-formated XML. It's purpose is to mimic the physical concepts of booster, card pack, and so on, and allow for an easy way to send a whole such pack to a client.

CardContainer creation is in no way restricted - while the cards themselves need to be validly signed, the container does not have a signature or any other authentication.

Besides the cards themselves, enumerated in the card container, it has the following properties:

Name - should be a word or two describing the type of container: "Booster" "Card Pack" are valid suggestions.

Description: may contain further details such as Expansion names or maybe, for fun, some flavor text :P.

Implementation status of feature:
* AuthClient can generate CardContainers for AuthPublished cards (via the new button Add to Card Container and the tool window "CardContainer"). Properties such as Name and Description are not configurable and container management is limited.
* Client can now add a whole container of cards at once (via the same dialog/menu option that is used for single cards).
* The CardContainer class is implemented in OpenTCG.Core assembly as OpenTCG.Core.CardContainer.
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